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Barkinside Easter Lunch 2024
Barkinside Easter Lunch 2024

Mi., 27. März


Restaurante Veintiocho

Barkinside Easter Lunch 2024

The Barkinside Easter lunch for 2024 is 27th March at Restaurante VeinteOcho In Frailes.

Zeit & Ort

27. März 2024, 12:00 MEZ

Restaurante Veintiocho, i, C. Juan Carlos I, 28, 03689 Fondó dels Frares, Alicante, Spain

Über die Veranstaltung

The Barkinside Easter lunch 2024 is on 27th March at Restaurante VeinteOcho In Frailes. 

Great food and company

  • Dogs
  • Random Raffle and games

Come and have a great morning, supporting the abandoned and rescued dogs in our care and meet the kind and generous Barkinside supporters. 

Its a great day, I look forward too seeing you all. 

Please pm me for booking and menu choices, thank you

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