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BARKINSIDE Boot Fair & Tabletop Market
BARKINSIDE Boot Fair & Tabletop Market

So., 14. Apr.


El Cantón New School Hall

BARKINSIDE Boot Fair & Tabletop Market

The next Boot fair is in El Canton, Sunday 14th April. Come and have a great morning, grab those bargains .

Zeit & Ort

14. Apr. 2024, 08:00 – 13:30

El Cantón New School Hall, El Cantón, Murcia, Spain

Über die Veranstaltung

Second and last Sunday of every month, BARKINSIDE Boot Fair & Tabletop Market. El Cantón New School Hall

  • Indoor and outdoor.
  • Refreshments and facilities.
  • Sellers from 8am. Buyers from 10am.
  • €10 per stall or pitch.

Please message or call (+34) 697122883 to book and for google map.

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