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19 January 2025

London Marathon 2025

Barkinside Online 2025


 Hi there

My name is Andrew. I look after the Barkinside website, and occasionally I write updates and post information on the Barkinside Blog.

I would love to hear from you about what you think and feel about the website, blog, content, or anything written in my folllowing appeal.

I'd love to meet you, hear your ideas, suggestions, and criticism (preferably constructive!), offers of help, anything, all input gratefully received, (Ive left info about a few different ways to contact me at the bottom of this post.

Maybe you have something to say, about Barkinside, or animal rescue, or any other relevant themes?

Maybe you're a great writer, and would like to be a writer on the blog, or contribute something more creative such as supporting artwork or design?

It doesnt matter if theres any holes in your skills, or you're concerned about having difficulties, maybe youre a first -imer, (it doesn't matter - help is at hand, and i'll be happy to help you with anything).

At the moment, I'm  working on increasing the Barkinside presence online. My aim is to get its name and cause more widely known  across the Internet. 

Ive started with X and Youtube, please subscribe and follow them below, and invite your friends, relatives, enemies, and even family to do the same. Higher member numbers are critical at this stage.

Barkinside Sanctuary Youtube Channel

Barkinside Account at X

Today, you can be very helpful, and key to getting this going by simply subscribing to them, and inviting everyone you know.

Once Barkinside has a successful presence on a couple of other sites i’ll be looking for more people who know specific sites very well, I’ll need people from all types of demographics, in many different locations, with other languages than English (Specifically Spanish, initially), so will be asking if you, or one of your younger/older relatives would be interested in taking a much more hands on role. 

 Soon, Ill be looking for volunteers, supporters, creators, friendly chatty people in the comments, followers, likers, to help grow the numbers. 

I really need the help of people who are maybe specialists and know the ins and outs of sites such as, X/Twitter,  Instagram, Tik Tok, Tumblr, Youtube, Reddit, Quora,  Medium, Pinterest,  Linkedin and any of those new trendy up and coming places which Im too old to be aware of…as soon as possible, a presence in online chat groups such as: WhatsApp, Telegram, online chats in Facebook Messenger, Snapchat.


Get in touch with me through the Contact Us page of the Barkinside website, on WhatsApp, email (personal) or the Barkinside Website email and I’ll get back to you ASAP.


Barkinside Sanctuary Youtube Channel - Barkinside Account at X 



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