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one of the most stunning dogs I have ever seen, and one of the most beautiful natures.

no one has come to see her!! 

She was rescued a few years ago after being found on the streets of Seville

Angel & Daisy

Look at these two beautiful girls. on the left is mum Daisy, about 10 years old and on the right her Daughter Angel, about 8 years old. They are an absolute joy and I would be delighted if they could be homed together. They are devoted, and cannot be separated, if you think you could help them, please pm me, thank you, please care and share and help us help them xxx


Archie is now one year old, fully vaccinated, microchipped and sterilised. He is a seriously sweet boy and very intelligent. great with all other dogs, lovely personality.


My name is Benny. I am only a baby and was abandoned and then ended up in a perrera where all the other dogs attacked me and I was scared and became sick. I am now at the sanctuary and am very safe and loved. I am only about 8 months old and would love a family of my own. I cannot bark due to the injuries, but I honk very nicely.

Beti Swollocks

Last night our mad girl, Beti Swollocks passed away in her sleep. She was not a well girl when we rescued her. Cushins, heart disease, kidney problems, there was quite a list. She came to us, a very feisty old girl, and left for the bridge, just the same. I will miss her terribly. Such a huge character.


Beautiful and so sad baby Bobi, from such a sad existence. He is only 6 months old and rescued in the nick of time. He has a passport and microchip, he is a bit poorly at the moment, nothing serious, full blood tests will reveal what is going on. He is small and gentle, so needs a loving home. please pm me if interested, please care and share, I will of course update his information, thank you xx


This baby girl is absolutely stunning, the sister of Klyde and rescued from a truly horrific situation. Bonnie was kept in a concrete pen. only 2 years old, she is adorable, loving and sweet, Full passports, sterilised, blood tested, microchip. If you are interested, please message me or WhatsApp. please help me to find her a loving family of her own, thank you xx


How gorgeous is this Boy, Boomer! About 2 years old, fantastic nature, loving sweet, and as gentle as this big boy can be. Sterilised, full passport, weighs in at 38.2Kg, Bloody love this dog. If you can give him a home, your love will be returned a 1000-fold, please pm me, care and share our boy please, thank you xx


Meet Bruno, one of the wonderful Podencos, rescued with another 4 babies from a terrible start in life. Pure skin and bone. He is a big and magnificent big boy, of about 5 years old. gorgeous nature, seriously loving, as this breed tends to be, even after all that has happened to him. Can you find it in your heart and home to give this incredible boy a forever home. please pm me if you are interested, please care and share, thank you. Full passports and microchips etc


would make a wonderful addition to your family. full passport and inoculations. Please pm me if interested, please care and share and help us help her find her furever family, thank you.


Meet the most beautiful little angel. Ester. She is about 6 months old, and sadly met some cruel humans when very tiny who have broken her back legs. As the injury was quite a while ago, our traumatologists have studied her with X-rays and videos, discussed all the options, and sadly all agree. There is nothing medically that can be done for her. Her injuries have healed in such a way that she has grown with them. An operation would not achieve anything to help her.


The oh so wonderful Flecha. Only a baby of 1 year old, born with Cerebral Hypoplasia due to her mother having Parvo. The part of the brain that coordinated movement has not developed so this gorgeous little girl is classed as disabled and will sadly always be so. She is a bloody lovely girl and we have built a whole area for her to be safe in. She is very loving, but patience is definitely needed 24 hours a day. We fully expect her to spend the rest of her life at the Sanctuary and we are happy to give her a good life with your support, thank you.


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