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Barkinside Dog Show
Barkinside Dog Show

sáb, 21 oct


Fondó dels Frares

Barkinside Dog Show

By Request we are having our second Dog show of the year on Saturday 21st October at Tipsy Terrace in Hondon de los Frailes. 8 classes, food, refreshments, prizes, raffle, Rossettes. Stalls., International judges. Display from Danny and Alma. Come and have a fun morning, bring your own baby or you c

Horario y ubicación

21 oct 2023, 10:30

Fondó dels Frares, Calle Padre Claret, 18, 03689 Fondó dels Frares, Alicante, Spain

Acerca del evento

By Request we are having our second Dog show of the year on Saturday 21st October at Tipsy Terrace in Hondon de los Frailes. 

  • 8 classes
  • food
  • refreshments
  • prizes
  • raffle
  • Rossettes
  • Stalls
  • International judges
  • Display from Danny and Alma

 Come and have a fun morning, bring your own baby or you can book a Barkinside Baby to accompany you. Or just come and enjoy the fun and chaos. 

10 euros a dog entrance, enter as many classes as you can. 

Please arrive by 10.30am for registration. 

I am really looking forward to this. If you would like to book a stall please pm me, 

Thank you xxxx

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